Hutch Systems Service : Knowledge base article #254
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Transact Installation
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Until such time as a complete Transact installation package is available, the following information will be indespensible.

***File paths used below reference the setup at Touchsensor only***

Transact is always run from a network and generally relies on 6 items:
· Hutchedi.mdb, Hutchdata.ocx, xscript.dll, xxx.scr (for ftp communication) and Transact.exe must reside in the same directory on the network.
· Transact support files (Transact installation package), the EllTech Communication Library, the Mabry FTP control (mftp32.ocx), and the Microsoft FLEXGRID and MAPI controls must be installed locally.
· The Hutchdata activeX control and the xcript dll on the network must be manually registered on the local pc.
· The Mabry activeX control and the Microsoft MAPI control must be manually registered on the pc.
· The network locations containing Transact and the mapping databases must be mapped to a drive letter that is common to all machines that will run Transact.

1. Ensure that \\ELECTRON\MAS90 is mapped to X:\.
2. Run Transact setup program (setup.exe) from X:\Access_Applications\EDI\TransAct\setup\TransAct_setup.
3. ONLY ONCE: Place the hutchdata activeX control in X:\Access_Applications\EDI\TransAct.
4. Use regsvr32 program to register hutchdata.ocx on the local machine at network location.
5. Place the Microsoft Flexgrid (msflxgrd.ocx) and the Microsoft MAPI activex controls in the local system directory and use regsvr32 program to register them.
6. Create a desktop shortcut to X:\Access_Applications\EDI\TransAct\transact.exe

1. Ensure that \\ELECTRON\MAS90 is mapped to X:\.
2. Run Transact setup program (setup.exe) from X:\Access_Applications\EDI\TransAct\setup\TransAct_setup.
3. ONLY ONCE: Place the hutchdata activeX control in X:\Access_Applications\EDI\TransAct.
4. Use regsvr32 program to register hutchdata.ocx on the local machine at network location.
5. Place the Mabry activeX control (X:\Access_Applications\EDI\TransAct\setup\ftp\ mftp32.ocx) in the local Windows\System directory, and then use regsvr32 program to register it on the local machine at that location.
6. Place the Microsoft Flexgrid (msflxgrd.ocx) and the Microsoft MAPI activex controls in the local system directory and use regsvr32 program to register them.
7. Run EllTech Comm Library setup program (setup.exe) from X:\Access_Applications\EDI\TransAct\setup\commlib\disk1.
8. Create a desktop shortcut to X:\Access_Applications\EDI\TransAct\transact.exe
7. ONLY ONCE: Place the GEIS (or appropriate) script file in X:\Access_Applications\EDI\Transact.
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