Hutch Systems Service : Featured KB articles
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Top 10 featured knowledge articles:
  1. SQL Server Log Truncation
  2. Backup Strategy
    Guidelines for setting up Sql Server data and transaction log backups.
  3. MRP Lookup Installation
  4. Auto Login on Boot
    How to trick Windows 2000 or XP to automatically logon.
  5. Add User to TMDA Spam Filter
    This explains how to add users to TMDA filter. This also creates a qmail account for an user but the mail is not stored on the linux server because we remove the vdelivermail line.
  6. Auto-add yourself as a client to vnc server behind the firewall
    How to connect a PC that's behind the firewall without the user intitiating the "add new client" session
  7. Transact Installation
  8. Automatic Send Emails without Prompt
    How to get around the service pack that increases Outlook security using Exchange forms.
  9. How to change store limits in Exchange
    How to use ADSI Edit to change the mailbox store limits.
  10. Windows XP Repair Completed - Unable to Perform Updates
    How to fix the issue with SP2 and XP updates which refuse to install.
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